Author Archives: lognetworks

15 Fascinating Facts About Google Most People Don’t Know

Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University, and was formally incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. You know there’s more to something than meets the eye when such a massively successful company has such a simple layout though, and I mean that in the best way possible. Google has always done things a little bit differently, and that works to keep things fresh, immersive and consistently progressive.

Here are some Google facts you may not know!!!!!

1. The name ‘Google’ is actually derived from the mathematical term ‘googol’ which is basically 1 with a 100 zeros following it

Source: Livescience

2. Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin originally named Google ‘Backrub’

One can only wonder why…

Source: Grabhouse

3. As part of their green initiative, Google regularly rents goats to mow the lawns of their mountain view HQ

The employees claim they find it calming to see goats outside the windows.

Source: quiz35

4. Thanks to Google Instant, you can’t actually use the ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ button anymore

‘Google Instant’ starts searching for whatever you type as soon as you type it, thereby leaving no time or possibility to click that button. The ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ button apparently cost the company $110 million every year, because it would bypass all ads to go to the top search immediately.

Source: Design4web

5. Since 2010, Google has been acquiring an average of one company every week

Android, Youtube, Waze, you name it, Google owns it.

Source: Patspapers

6. Google uses a web tool called to recruit new employees based on what they search for online

If Google sees that you’re searching for specific programming terms such as Python, they might just ask you to apply for a job.

Source: Ibtimes

7. The first ever Google Doodle was a Burning Man stick figure that came out on August 30, 1998

It came about when Larry and Sergey visited the Burning Man Festival in Nevada. It was added to the homepage to let users know they were out of office and couldn’t fix technical issues like a server crash.

Source: TheAtlantic

8. Larry and Sergey’s private planes have runways in NASA, where no other planes are allowed to land

Source: Complex

9. Google owns common misspellings of its own name as well, such as,, and

Source: Bluedreamer

10. The first Google computer storage was built with Legos

Source: Techrepublic

11. Google employees in the US get death benefits which guarantee that the surviving spouse will receive 50% of their salary every year for the next decade

Source: Earthliberation

12. No part of a Google office is allowed to be more than 150 feet away from some kind of food

Source: Forbes

13. Google helps pronounce massive numbers if you type ‘=english’ after searching for a number

Source: Pinterest

14. There’s a rotated version of Google known as ‘Google Mirror’, which shows everything in a mirrored avatar

It might sound like just a fun and pointless add on, but it was actually useful in circumventing the Great Firewall in China that banned Google.

Source: Bestcommunionideas

15. Google wanted to sell itself to online company Excite in 1999 for $1 million, but the Excite CEO rejected the offer

Google is now worth more than $300 billion. That’s got to sting.

Source: Mobygames

Google has turned into so much more than just a search engine, bringing out innovative ideas and trying out new things on almost a daily basis. It’s hard to imagine where they’ll venture next, though I’m more curious to know what the next Google Doodle is going to be!!


How to Create a Secure Password

Make passwords complex and impersonal. Leverage both upper and lowercase letters, symbols and numbers where applicable. Create random passwords that can’t be guessed based on general knowledge others may have about you.

—Stanko Tomic, head of engineering, RoboForm at Siber Systems

Avoid dictionary terms. Dictionary cracks guess passwords using lists of common passwords and then move to the whole dictionary. This is typically much faster than a brute force attack because there are far fewer options.

—Darren Guccione, CEO and co-founder, Keeper Security, Inc.

Think of a phrase from a song, slogan or jingle. Take the first character from each word as your password. Try to use 12-14 characters. Add a number and/or punctuation character to complete it.

—Greg Kelley, EnCE, DFCP, Vestige, Ltd

If you choose to use a password manager, you are effectively creating a single point of failure for your personal security. If someone figures out your password to that, they can then access all your other passwords. To best secure your password manager, use a long password. It doesn’t have to be complex, but it should be 18+ characters. For example, BlueHouseGreenYardWhiteFenceGoodNeighbors

—Adam Peterson, CEO, VipeCloud

1. Good passwords are long, at least 12 characters.
2. Good passwords have nothing to do with you, your children, or pets.
3. Passwords should never be reused.
4. Change your passwords regularly.
5. Symbols and numbers make passwords harder to crack.
6. Don’t share your passwords with anyone.
7.  Two common ways to create secure passwords:
a. Think of a phrase then select the first or last letter of each word in the phrase to use as your password.  Throw in some digits too.
b. Pick three or four random words and paste them together with numbers in between.

Dr. Phil Polstra, Professor of Mathematical and Digital Sciences, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Use Complex Passwords: Your password should be at least 10 characters and contain2 lower case letters, 2 upper case letters, 2 numeric characters and 2 special characters.  An easy way to do this is to use your name and replace parts of it with related symbols and numbers.  For example, Jacob Smith might use J@cobSmith44!

—Robert Douglas, president, PlanetMagpie

Every year, millions of passwords are stolen. These are made public by researchers, in order of popularity. Hackers see this list. If you don’t want to get hacked, then avoid using the following types of passwords:

  • 123456 (avoid ANY numerical sequence)
  • qwerty (avoid ANY letter sequence)
  • 123456789 (long sequences are just as bad as shorter ones)
  • Football (hackers know that tons of passwords are a name of a popular sport)
  • abc123 (combining different keyboard sequences doesn’t toughen up the password)
  • 111111 (how lazy can you be?)
  • 1qaz2wsx (vertical sequences are vulnerable too)
  • master, princess, starwars (give me a break)
  • passw0rd (wow, so creative!)

Don’t even bother with names of animals, countries, cities, famous music bands or people names. Even combining these won’t help, such as EmilyParis. If any component of the password can be found in a dictionary, change it.

—Robert Siciliano, CEO,

What is Digital Marketing..

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your company’s online marketing efforts.

Lots of businesses leverage digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, online advertising and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers. Many companies focus on online (or digital) channels over offline marketing tactics because it allows them to reach their ideal target audience where they’re already spending most of their time: online.

From your website itself to your online branding assets and social media channels — digital advertising, email marketing, online brochures, and beyond — there’s a huge spectrum of tactics and assets that fall under the umbrella of digital marketing. Yet the best digital marketers have a clear picture of how each asset or tactic supports their overarching goals.

The Benefits of Digital Marketing

Let’s cut to the chase; why should you start doing digital marketing?

There’s endless reasons why digital marketing makes an excellent solution for so many businesses, but if you’re just getting started, here’s the two that will have the biggest impact on the way you market and sell to your customers.

  • Reach the right people, in the right place, at the right time

The internet is your gateway to people who might one day become your customers. With an online presence, you can reach far more of the right people than you can by marketing your company solely offline. And if you do it the right way, you can get in front of the people who are likely to become your customers at the right moment in their buyer’s journey.

Direct mail and cold calling are outdated tactics. We spend an increasing amount of time on the internet, and we’re constantly using our smartphones. It’s a harsh truth: most people will miss the print ad or brochure you’re trying to put in front of them because they’re too busy looking at a digital screen. Either that, or they’ve subconsciously learned to ignore anything that looks too much like an advertisement.

  • Get measurable results to inform your strategy

Another huge benefit is that digital marketing allows marketers to see accurate results in real time. If you’ve ever put an advert in a newspaper, you’ll know it’s impossible to measure the impact that advert has on your business. On the other hand, with digital marketing, you can measure the ROI of pretty much any aspect of your marketing efforts using analytics software (like HubSpot).

Marketing has always been about making a connection with your target audience in the right place, at the right time. Today, they’re online, and that means digital marketing should be a primary focus for your business.

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